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vendredi 19 octobre 2007

A little update !

So, I'm done with the modelisation of my monkey. The next step now is to animate it. First I put the different bones of the body for each part I want to animate. I create bones to be able give emotion to my monkey.

After this step, I've tried to play with the influence of the bones on the face region. First I've tried to close the eyes of my character and then I will try to develop the influence of the other bones of the face.

mercredi 10 octobre 2007


This is 2 scketches to learn the anatomy of this kind of monkey.
The model is still in progress.

jeudi 4 octobre 2007

The modelisation

There is a lot to do but this is the shape of the face.

mercredi 3 octobre 2007


This is a new Wip. I would like to sculpt this character and rigg it maybe for an animation.