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lundi 25 février 2008

Dominance War III

Finally, the 2008 Dominance War as ended this night. The picture just above is my final shot of my entry for the competition. It was a pleasure to participate and I already wait the next one !

For the first time, I will participate to the Dominance War challenge. That's a world wide challenge and the theme is the creation of a 3d character with limited polygons (9000 for everything including the items)
The official site:

And this is my first scketchs for the concept.

jeudi 21 février 2008

Kame sennin

Another personal work for the FC4D forum. The final goal of this work is to make a model of our best comics hero. My choice was Kame Sennin (Tortue Géniale).
This is the different picture from the WIP.

The final model of Kame sennin is made of 1900 polygons. This is not the end, maybe I will animate it.

mercredi 13 février 2008

Another Monster

This is another challenge from the site the French Cinema 4d. This time, it's just a picture. The subject is 'Monster Challenge'.

So this is my research and creation for my final pict and the scene for the final render !

The final render with the Monster on the Set !
This is some details of the head of the monster done with Zbrush.

New year, New Stuff

This is a short animation film done all by myself during the month of January.
It was for a little challenge inside the french cinema 4d community, the subject was 'Echec & Mat' .
This is the link to download the sequence. Hope you'll gonna like it !